
The Irish Melting Pot... research tips, genealogy, transcriptions, including all news from Clare Roots Society ... general Irish news and items you may otherwise miss.. This is As They Were... they are just waiting for you to find them.
What's being done about historic gravestones at the 'Cabbage Gardens' being vandalised?
LAWS THAT PROHIBIT drunkenness, swearing and profaning on Sundays are among a group of antiquated laws that could be repealed.
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform is looking to revoke around 4,500 pre-independence government regulations. This is the largest repealing measure ever undertaken by the state.
A public consultation on the move was launched yesterday.
The laws listed for removal include:
CRS members may be interested in theSliabh Aughty Furnace Festival in Mountshannon
on Saturday 20 September and Sunday 21 September.
"we are organising a weekend of fun and learning in Mountshannon, Co. Clare. On Saturday, you can play 17th century games, watch blacksmiths and charcoal makers, get lost in a maze or get your thrills at the sword fight. At the same time, academic and local researchers will be talking about various aspects of the project. On Sunday, you can join us on a guided tour of the furnaces themselves."

The programme of events and speakers can be seen on the web site