A Place I Called Home
Kevin Haugh

Kevin’s affinity with his native place and its people is encapsulated in his own words, “The beauty of the landscape and the power of the sea in the Loop Head Peninsula are to be found in the souls of the people there.”
You can purchase this new publication at O’Mahony’s Booksellers, O Connell Street, Limerick. You can also order it from O'Mahony's to be sent anywhere in the world, having it personally signed if you wish. Contact them for full details at info@omahonys.ie
It features photos of memorabilia from Joe Whelan’s Museum of Irish Rural Life in Kilrush, Noel Clancy and Eugene O’Connor together with photos of landscapes by Marie Clancy, Pat Keating and Donal Garvey plus scenes from yesteryear, courtesy of www.facebook.com/doonbeg.
A Place I Called Home is available in bookshops and newsagents in both Limerick and Clare.
Kevin Haugh is a retired Primary School Principal. He was born in the Loop Head Peninsula in West Clare. He received his primary school education in Doonaha National School in the parish of Carrigaholt. He is also a past-pupil of Kilkee Boys’ National School and Kilrush Christian Brothers School. He graduated from Marino T.C. in 1975 and began his teaching career in the Southill-Galvone side of Limerick City from 1975 until he retired as Principal of Galvone N.S.in 2010. He was Assistant National Co-ordinator with Leadership Development for Schools on secondment to the Department of Education and Science from 2005 to 2009. He was awarded a PhD in 2001 from the University of Limerick for his study on education provision and participation from 1975 to 2000 in the Southill-Galvone school community.

If you would like to follow Kevin, you can contact him at
His first book was about his battle with cancer... An Imperfect Storm published in 2013. You can see more about it here...
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