Showing posts with label McNamara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McNamara. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 April 2017


A great find by researcher/family historian, Cathy Carley, a long time contributor to this site...

you can click on images to enlarge.

This is from the Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW: 1895-1942) Thursday 24 January, 1929

Names mentioned include ..

O'Gorman, McNamara, Sheey, O'Kelly, Considine, Harris, Moynagh, Rohan, Crowley, O'Haran, King, O'Regan, Collendar, Phelan, O'Brien, Cregan, Toomey, Barlow, Lonergan, Sheris, McAuliffe, Walsh, McDonald, McElliggot, Conoghan, Creagh, McGuire, Murphy, Lynch, O'Sullivan, McDonald, O'Farrell, Morris, McMahon, Rafferty, Farrell, Dunlea, Dunleavy, Clark, O'Brien, Fogarty, Demsey, Sheey, Clarke, Halpin, Clancy, Hill, Byrne, Smith, Dempsey, Reeve, Harrington, Bartley, Furlong, Mullin, Deely, McNally, McCarthy, Kearny, Parker, Donovan, O'Donnell, Fitzpatrick, Kelly, Kennedy, Toohey, Barlow, Christie, Cleary, McElbone, Hines...

Image courtesy of Pixabay...

Saturday, 1 December 2012

ENNIS CHRONICLE 1814 cont. Feb 1, Feb 9

Ennis Chronicle 1814

Reply-To: Declan Barron <>
Ennis Chronicle 1814
Feb 9
Or the Interest SOLD.
In the HOUSE and DEMESNE of
Application to be made to ANDREW
FINUCANE, Esq., Lifford.
The FURNITURE of the House,
will be SOLD in a few Days by Auction,
unless previously disposed of by Private


From the First Day of May next,
For such Term as may be agreed on,
(With or without the House and Offices)
The Demesne of Cragbrien,
Containing 100 Acres of
Good LAND well Enclosed and Divided,
Proposals, in writing, (post paid) to Mrs. STAC-
POOLE, George's street, Limerick, and WALTER
LYSAGHT, Esq., Summerville, Ennistymon. Mr.
JOHN ROCHE, Cragbrien, will show the land.

County of Clare to wit.
Whereas I stand charged with the Wilful Murder of John O'Neill, on the 7th of August last. I hereby give Notice to the Prosecutors, and all others concerned, that I have surrendered myself, and am now in actual custody in the Jail of Ennis, to abide my trial at the next Assizes and General Jail Delivery to be held in or for said County, as well for said alledged Murder as all other charges which may be then and there brought against Me.
Dated, Ennis Jail, 2d February 1814.

At Parteen, near O'Brien's Bridge, aged 101 years, Martin Hartigan, who possessed his faculties, and worked in an industrious labourer to within a few months of his descease.
At Killaloe, Mr. W. Ball, Gauger.

April 6
Stands at the Stables, Ralahine .....
........John Hartigan, The Groom .....

On Saturday last, by the Rev. Mr. Holland, at her mother's residence, Lodge, near Six-Mile-Bridge, in the County, Edward Lucius Wilson, Esq., of Streamstown, to Christene, daughter of the late Edw. Ferritar, Esq., of the Royal Navy, and grand niece of the late Earl of Donoughmore.


Ennis Chronicle 1814

Ennis Chronicle 1814
1 Feb
....... death of the Honourable Mathias Finucane ...... his seat at Lifford ..... was in the 76th year of his age ..... interred at the family resting place in the West of this county .........

Insolvent Debtors Notice
Notice is hereby given that Simon Doyle, John O'Hara, Patrick Lenard, Wm. Ready, John Halloran, Simon McCarty, Mathew McNamara, John Eams, Maurice Sarchfield, and Peter Healy, Insolvent Debtors confined in the Jail of Ennis, under Sessions Decrees, have filed their Petitions, Schedules, and Oaths as required by an Act of Parliament made in the 53d year of his present Majesty's Reign, entitledan Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland, in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace of said County of Clare, and that an order has been obtained at the last Sessions for bringing up the said Insolvents to the Court before the Assistant Barrister of said County on the 26th day of February, inst. at a Sessions to be held at the Court House of Ennis, to recieve the Benefit of said act. Dated this 1st February, 1814.

William N. McNamara, Esq., Plaintiff.
Edmund Greene Mahon, and others, Defendants.
Pursuant to an order ..... Set up and Let ..... all that and those, the house and Demesne lands of SNUGVILLE, together with that part of the lands of SNUGVILLE and LISBORNEEN, as formerly held by the Defendants Edmund Greene Mahon, and Henry Greene, Attorney, ........
For further particulars apply to J. MACNAMARA, Esq., the Reciever in this cause, Spa Lodge, Ennis, or to PETER FITZPATRICK, Esq., the Plaintiff's Attorney, No.64 Capel Street, Dublin.

County of Clare to wit.
Whereas we stand charged with the murder of Michael Neylon, late of Cahir, in the Barony of Tulla, in said county. We hereby give notice to the prosecutors and all persons concerned, that we have surrendered ourselves and are now in actual custody in the Jail of Ennis, to abide our trials at the next Assizes and General Gaol delivery, to be held at Ennis, in and for said county. Given under our hands this day of February, 1814.
Michael Hogan / Bridget Hogan
