Friday, 30 November 2012


Another treat from the busy fingers of Declan Barron... thank you, Declan...

Subject: Ennis Chronicle 1813
Reply-To: Declan Barron <>

Ennis Chronicle 8 Jan 1813

From the 25th March, or 1st of May next,
Twenty-three ACRES of choice MEADOW,
Part of the lands of
The LAND is well Banked and Drained,
and the HOUSE and OFFICES in excellent
repair, and fit for the reception of a large
Proposals to be made to Mr. MICHAEL SWYNY,
Cappahard, Ennis. Immediate possession will be given.

From the First Day of May next,
For such Term as may be agreed on,
The Dwelling-house and Premises in
Bow-Lane, in the town of Ennis,
As now held by Boyle Vandeleur, Esq.
Also, the Dwelling-house, Cellar, and
Concerns in Mill-street as lately held by
Mr. ANTHONY ENGLAND, and now held
by the Widow Raleigh, to commence
from the 25th of March next.
And also, the upper part of the Dwelling
nouse in Church Street, as now held by
Mr. WILLIAM BREW, over the shop
and premises in the possession of THOMAS
CARRIGG, to commence from the 1st of
May next.
Proposals, in writing (Post Paid) to WILLIAM
BRAMPTON BURNE, Esq., No. 27 Grafton-street

Mr. DAXON will SET
From the First of May next,
With from 50 to 100 Acres, and ALSO
About Fifty Acres of CAROO.
Any term can be given of the latter
It is situated within about 2 miles of Ennis.



Larry Brennan has put a great deal of effort into this history of O'Connell Street, Ennis, in celebration of it's 100th Anniversary of it's name change from Jail Street... 

 In conjunction with Clare Roots Society, this was done to support local traders in making the most of the historical significance of this street and Ennis in particular.

Nice interview in today's Clare Champion re book that is now available to get online and will be for sale at the launch in December 6th.

Just in case this is hard to read, you can see the full transcript below the clipping.

Hidden gems of O’Connell Street in new book
By Jessica Quinn   
O’CONNELL Street in Ennis may be the county’s most famous street but even those who stroll along the thoroughfare daily may be surprised by its hidden gems and colourful history.
Next Thursday at 8pm in the Old Ground Hotel, Mayor of Ennis Peter Considine will launch a new book, O’Connell Street, Ennis by local historian Larry Brennan.

Larry, with the Clare Roots Society, has prepared this book to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the name change of Jail Street to O’Connell Street.

He believes local traders could capitalise on the street’s historic significance by celebrating the anniversary, boosting business and tourism.

According to Larry, the street offers a wealth of information about the town’s past – you just have to look for it.

He revealed, “When most people look up at the O’Connell monument, most people see Daniel O’Connell but I see additional things. I see that some of his jaw is missing, which was to do with the Troubles. And secondly, there is an incorrect spelling of Tom Steele, which has been spelt Stell. Back in the ’50s, work was done on the monument by Clare County Council and it was expected that it would be corrected but the alteration never took pace. I think at this stage, it would be a shame to change it, it’s unusual and it’s been there over 100 years now and is a part of history.

“There is the post office box, which is a 100 years old. The Eucharistic Congress symbols up high, the foot scraper down low, which has been preserved due to the input of Oliver Moylan. In the Cathedral, if you look at the old cross on the left hand side, that was the foundation stone for education in Ennis. That was erected at a mission in Ennis and resulting from that mission, the Christian Brothers and Sisters of Mercy came to Ennis.

“Ennis is one of the oldest towns around, it’s not a walled town or a designed town, it evolved. The street pattern that we know today, the ‘y’ pattern that exists of Abbey Street, O’Connell Street and Parnell Street dates back to about 1680 but the town itself dates back to the foundation of the Franciscans. There is just so much history there and there is great tourism potential here. There is an opportunity there for shopkeepers to use this book and the anniversary for a celebration of O’Connell Street. Most tourists visiting Clare will make their way to the street, a glance of this book will make their visit more informative and enjoyable.”

The book contains over 150 pages detailing the historical and archaeological background of Ennis, from the earliest monastic foundation of Drumcliff in the 10th century to the erection of the Market Day sculpture in February of 2012.

It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same. An early Coghlan’s Medical Hall advertisement for Christmas, included in the book, reminds people not to let the depression prevent them from giving presents to our friends.

While the publication marks the 100th anniversary of the change of the street name, Larry recalled finding the exact date was difficult.

“On March 21, 1910, Ennis Urban Council voted to change a number of the street names in the town. But no set date was proposed for the actual name changeover. The only way to establish when the name change came into effect was by looking at the advertising at the time. Maurer’s Jewellers had an advert in every week and on the end of June 1911, they had Jail Street and in July, it was O’Connell Street. The post office didn’t change it until December 1913.”

While the publication has something to interest many, particularly locals, Larry explained the main purpose of the book is for genealogical purposes, to allow current and future generations trace their families and the place they come from.

“Clare Roots Society has prepared this book in an attempt to set a template for other roads and estates to research their background and records for future generations, the details associated with the street or area,” he explained.

To this end, he reviewed the available records with regard to the individuals associated with the 89 buildings on the street. The book also includes a number of old photographs not previously published along with advertisements and invoices.

Among the extensively researched items featured in the book are articles on Daniel O’Connell, the history and construction of the O’Connell monument and its predecessor, the Old Court House, by means of a William Turner de Lond painting of the area circa 1820 - 1837.

Included is a calendar of events for the town, in which we learn that Ennis became the capital of Clare on August 17, 1584. Other highlights include, in 1620, a patent granting the Earl of Thomond ownership of the soil on which the town was built and on which the markets were held was issued. In 1809, the first regular stagecoach service between Ennis and Limerick was inaugurated. In 1831, Ennis Corporation ceased to function and there was a widespread determination among townspeople not to pay tolls or customs. 1901 saw the Great Motor Race pass through Ennis, while September of that year saw the first aeroplane pass over the town. In 1992, there was the introduction to wheelie bins to the town.

Over the years, the street has been associated with various tragedies, which have been detailed in this new book. The destructive fire of 1878 where Mrs Roche and Miss Gabbett lost their lives is just one of the events that are remembered.

The effects the Troubles had on the street is detailed with the coup of June 23, 1920 at Darcy’s Corner, the injury of a young girl Mary Cunningham in 1921, the death of six-year-old Patrick Morrissey in 1921 and the death of James Glynn in 1934 are all recalled.

The book details the various residents, shopkeepers and their family members within the 89 buildings, using newspapers, obituaries, land records, census returns and voting registers, invoices and gravestones as sources. Details of the changeover of traders of the properties on the street from 1800 to 2012 are outlined.

Long-forgotten names like Bannatyne, Beehive Café, Bluett, Darcy, Forte, Griffin, Hayes, Honan, Mangans, Mitchell, Ranalow and O’Brien, Rynne, Spellissy, Stevens, Tuohy, Wylde and many more are recalled.

Memories of the three Dunleavy sisters from Donegal who went on to marry traders Griffin, Wilson and Mulqueen are recalled. The arrival of the Belgians, Chinese and Germans to the street are also detailed. The book establishes Moloney’s as the longest-trading shop on O’Connell Street followed by Moylan’s and Maurer’s trading for over 100 years. O’Dea’s and Heaslips are identified as the only traders trading and living on the street.

O’Connell Street also produced a number of councillors, with Ahern, Brennan, Costelloe, Kelly, Malone and Tuttle all associated with the street.

A number of clubs were also situated on the street, the Foresters’ Club, Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the IRA Club, all of which are remembered in the book.

The publication also features a review of the buildings on the street, including details on the Cathedral, the Old Ground Hotel’s complex of buildings, along with the Clare Hotel, Glynn’s, Lally’s and the Star Hotel, the Rink and Gaeity cinemas.

The opening of the first supermarket in Ennis at 65 O’Connell Street by Jimmy Enright is featured as well as Brogan’s Bar and its previous owners including Cahir, Considine and Brian Hogan, son of the former Ceann Comhairle Patrick Hogan. In a separate article, Tony Cassidy details the history of the post office network on the street.

The book purposefully has not included the street’s lanes, with Larry saying he hopes that at some future date, that aspect of the town could be explored. Other publications by members of the Clare Roots Society on a number of other places in the town are currently in the pipeline following the success of the previously produced history of Steele’s Terrace. The society is hoping more people will research other areas, such as the Market, Mill Road, Parnell Street, the Turnpike and Drumbiggle Road.

He praised Ennis Town Council for their support on this project. Larry says that his research into the history of O’Connell Street is not complete. “I’m not finished yet, I couldn’t have found everything. I had to stop at this point to get it out in time for the anniversary. But if anybody has further information, or wishes to correct anything I have said, I welcome it. It’s mentioned in the forward of the book that correction is a gift, so I look forward to receiving a lot of gifts for Christmas.”

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Gathering one way to come up Irish

The Gathering Ireland 2013
Tourism Ireland

COME TOGETHER: The Gathering Ireland 2013 is a year-long celebration of all things Irish.

Is your first or last name Clare, Claire, Clara or even Kiara?

Then you're welcome in County Clare in Ireland next year as part of The Gathering Ireland 2013, a year-long celebration of all things Irish.

Irish Transport, Tourism and Sport Minister Leo Varadkar says it's a "great opportunity or excuse to reconnect with people of Irish heritage all around the world or people who have an interest in Ireland".

Varadkar is in Australia to promote the year, which will bring together hundreds of festivals and events that celebrate the best in Irish music, art, literature, dance, culture, heritage, sport, film and food.

Whatever the reason, there's a party just for you in Ireland next year, he says, as all over the country people are organising special events to invite people home, from very big festivals to small events to family reunions and corporate meetings.

And that includes around 50 planned clan gatherings, or huge family reunions.

The idea came up about 18 months ago as one way to overcome the financial crisis which followed years of what became known as the Celtic Tiger, when Ireland was finally doing well economically.

Varadkar says between a quarter and a third of the Australian population is said to have Irish heritage.

If you want to visit a clan gathering, the first step is to ask your relatives what your Irish connection is, of course found mainly through your surname. has information about all of these gatherings. And if you can't find one that fits, you can organise one yourself.

For example, there's a big Kelly gathering in County Tipperary in May.

The Kelly clan gathering is being held in Cashel from May 17 to 19 (so expect any rellies of Ned Kelly to turn up). Eminent professional genealogist Helen Kelly, who coined the term "goosebump trail" to describe the feeling you get when you finally reach the home ground of your ancestors, will be sharing and tracing family histories there.

And the Crawfords of County Clare and their relations are planning a special get-together.

They're also looking at holding a walk from Scotland and Northern Ireland to West Clare.

The website says the surname Crawford is now relatively rare in Clare, but was once much more numerous, particularly in the west of the county. The name originated in Scotland, from where many members of the Crawford clan emigrated to Ulster and settled there during the 17th century.

Some of them later moved to Clare, where they were among the "Ultonians" of the Mount Callan area recorded by John Lloyd in his tour of Clare in 1780.

Event co-organiser Mary Crawford says they also plan to launch a book on the history and genealogy of the Crawfords of County Clare.

"Clare being Clare, there will also be a strong social and cultural dimension, with traditional music, song and dance," she says.

For the rest of the story...


Courtesy of Christina Hunt, IGP archives...

We have just added 1854 men from Clare who joined the Royal Irish Constabulary.
To check out the rest of the info - go to:

The names are:
BRADY, Christopher
BRADY, Henry
BURNS, Michael
FAHY, Richard A
HEHIR, Patrick
HOGAN, Jeremiah
LINNANE, Mortimer
MACK, Patrick
McNAMARA, Patrick
POWER, Michael
RODGERS, Thaddeus
SEXTON, Andrew

I hope it helps someone.

Monday, 26 November 2012


John Grenham today on mistranscriptions in tithes applotments, which is newly online.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

O Connell Street/Jail Street Ennis

Larry Brennan, 

in association with Clare Roots Society, 
will officially launch his latest book on O Connell Street, 
on Thursday the 6th of December at 8 pm in the Old Ground Hotel Ennis. 
The book will be available for sale on the night for €15.
The main purpose of the book is for genealogical purposes 
in order to allow current and future generations to trace their families and the place where they came from.
The Book has been prepared in an attempt to set a template for other roads and estates
 to research their background and records for future generations and the details associated with the street or area. 
To this end, Larry reviews the available records he found for the individuals associated with the 89 buildings on the street. 
The book also  includes a number of old photographs not previously published along with advertisements and invoices,  
The book contains over 150 pages including the Historical and Archaeological Background of Ennis 
associated with dates from the 10th Century to 2012 along with articles on Daniel O' Connell, O'Connell Monument, 
William Turner de Lond and the Old Courthouse, the destructive fire in Ennis 1878, suicide in the Confession Box, 
the troubles and the arrival of the Belgians, German & Chinese to the street. 

The book also includes  the history associated with the post office network along with the Rink & Gaiety Cinema's, etc.. 
Clara Hoyne is taking pre orders for the book so if you are interested in a copy, please forward your name, 
address and €20 to cover post and packaging to her at 2 Mountclare , Clarecastle. She will then forward you a copy.

 All enquiries to Clara  Hoyne <


Haven't you ever wished to get some help in solving those family history mysteries?
You can if you're selected.

Please click on image to enlarge...

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

John Grenham - the MORPETH ROLL



Kilrush & District Historical Society November meeting

Tuesday 27th November, 8pm  (20:00 UTC)

    • Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush
  • Kilrush & District Historical Society reverts to the last Tuesday of the month for its November meeting.

    Dr Ursula Callaghan will deliver a lecture entitled:

    'Building networks through printing in the eighteenth century: the case of Kilrush'

    Ursula went to college as a mature student in 2002 to study history and media. She was awarded her BA in 2006 and her PhD in History in 2010.
    The title of her thesis was `Newspapers and printing in 18th century Limerick.' Since then she has worked on a range of history projects, lecturing,
    doing tours on 18th century Limerick, some genealogy, including Oral histories on missionaries in India, Congo Veterans, Ranks flour mills and
    the butchering trade. She is currently co-ordinator of the Mount St. Lawrence cemetery project and is also working on turning her PhD thesis into a book.

    The lecture will take place at 8pm on Tuesday 27 November 2012 in the Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush.
    Admission free for members; EUR5 for non-members.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012


The Limerick Chronicle

Rediscovery of the Limerick Chronicle of 1768 

The Special Collections Department of the Glucksman Library at the University of Limerick is delighted to announce the rediscovery of the earliest editions of the Limerick Chronicle newspaper.

The library recently acquired 96 copies of the very first issues of this important eighteenth century Limerick newspaper. The papers were bound together in a quarter leather binding with covers in blue cloth. The binding is of a later vintage but it has protected the papers over time. The condition of the papers is very good considering that newspapers generally do not survive as well as printed books.

Unfortunately the volume does not contain the very first issue of the Limerick Chronicle. The UL papers begin with Vol.1, No.2, which is dated Monday 15th August 1768. It is fair to assume that the very first issue of the Chronicle was issued on Thursday 11th August 1768. The Chronicle was published twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. The last issue in the UL volume is Vol. 2, No.127, dated Thursday 26th October 1769. It is remarkable that the title continues to be published up to the present time by the Limerick Leader.

The Limerick Chronicle of 1768 was printed and edited by John Ferrar who was a prominent bookseller and printer in Limerick. He was also responsible for the first published history of Limerick which he brought out in three editions between 1767 and 1787. Copies of these editions as well as other Ferrar printings are in Fr. John Leonard's Limerick collection at the University Library.

Monday, 12 November 2012




From: "Clara Hoyne" <>


 Wednesday 14th November 2012:
The CIGO AGM and Lecture will take place on:

Wednesday 14th November 2012 in the Seminar room, National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2.The schedule will be, as follows:
7. 30 pm: LECTURE: Mr Mike Feerick, Chairman and Founder of 'Ireland Reaching Out' will present his lecture entitled: 'Harnessing the Power of Reverse Genealogy'
If any queries, please email <>
or telephone: 01 285 6360.


Friday, 9 November 2012


Scattery Island & the Vandeluers of Kilrush

The November talk organised by Clare Roots Society will be given by Senan Scanlan. 
Senan was born on Scattery Island and has written a book about life on the island called "Inhabitants of Scattery Island". He has also written a book about the Vandeleurs of Kilrush. In addition he has transcribed memorial inscriptions from over fifty graveyards in west Clare.

Senan will talk about the inhabitants of Scattery Island from the earliest recorded times and will concentrate on the period from the 1800s until the island was deserted in the 1970s. The talk will cover the soldiers, sailors, pilots, school teachers, farmers and lighthouse keepers that occupied the island during this period.

Senan will also talk about the Vandeleurs of Kilrush and their influence in developing the town and its harbours, mainly covering the 100 year period from 1800 to 1900.

The presentation will be held in the Civic Rooms at 8 pm on Thursday, 15 November 2012. All are welcome. There will be a cover charge of €5 for non-members.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Courtesy of

17 Charles MacCarthy servant to Mr. Richard Studdert mar. at Priests house to Judith Whelan servant at Mr. Studdert's in presence of Judith Mahony John Gorman Mary Cooney.
20 James Wallace son of James Wallace of Kilrush mar. at her house to Honour Downes of Kilrush (dispensatis in 2nd & 3rd .............).
26 Murty Monsell of Kilrush mar. at the priest's house to Margaret Cunningham of Kilrush in presence of John Cunningham & Pat Cunningham & Dennis Higgins.
24 Mathew Lynch son of Michael Lynch of Balliket mar. in Kilrush Chapel Mary Daly servant at Mr. Js. Paterson's in presence of Pat McDonnell James Lynch & Mary Killeen witnesses.
24 John Eustace of Gowerhass mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Mary Callinan his first cousin ( a dispensation granted by the Bishop) Patrick Crotty Sinon Eustace & Pat Eustace witnesses.
26 Richard Nugent of Kilcarrol mar. to his first cousin german Anstace Cavanagh (to whom a dispensation was granted by the Bishop) John Dwyer Tim/Jim Kean & John Nugent witnesses.
26 Pat McMahon of Kilrush married at her brother's house in Kilrush Anne O'Donnell d. of Richard O'Donnell of Balliket in presence of Matt Kelly, Richard O'Donnell & John Kelly.
????? 31 John Culligan of Kilrush tinker married at the priest's house to Bridget Coffee a native of the County Kerry in presence of her father Thos. Coffee Margaret Culligan his mother & Bridget Culligan his sister.

Monday, 5 November 2012


Courtesy of Declan Barron...

9 Francis Brew of Kilrush, married at her father's house in Leadmore to Mary Madigan Daughter of John Madigan.
8 Michl. Corry of Kildysert Parish mar. at Knockerra Chapel to Betty Bran of Breaghfa niece of Sinon Madigan, in presence of Peter Corry Mary Kean & Michl. Mahony.
9 Thomas Moroney of Kilrush mar. to Mary Hurley in presence of Cath. Meara Martin Moroney & Michael Morrissy Dispensdatis in .... (unreadable Latin).
10 Laurence Quin of Carhudota mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Mary Monsell daughter of Thomas Monsell of Donogrogue, James Monsell, Thos. Wilson & Mary Slattery, present.
10 Martin O'Brien son of Patt O'Brien Moyadda mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Mary Donohoe servant at Ths. Madigan's Leadmore, present Pat McGrath, John McGrath ??? McGrath.
10 John Clune of Kilrush mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Catherine Balton d. of Thomas Balton Glin in presence of Anthony Ryan Cath McGrath Margaret Ryan.
10 Richard Cavanagh Leadmore mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Joan McNamara in presence of Batt McNamara of Leadmore her father ???? Kelly % Thos. Cavanagh.
10 Laurence Griffey of Monemore mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Anne Lynch of Monemore in presence of John Griffey Michael McDonnell & Mary Griffey.
10 Michael McDonnell of Knockerra mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Anne Magner? of Knockerra in presence of Michael Magner Henry Blake & Margaret Blake.
10 Thos. Burke? of Kilmacduane Parish mar. at her father's house in Monemore to Ellen Whelan d. of John Whelan, present Pat McGrath Martin Haugh & Richd. Burke.
11 George Holland son Pat Holland Monemore, mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Ann Lucas d. of John Lucas Kilcarrol in presence of Pat Holland, Michl. & Joan Lucas.
11 James Sullivan son of ?????? Sullivan Leadmore mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Margaret McNamara Leadmore in presence of Thos. Mahony Ma?? Gorman. (note added " dead ?????? 69.? "
11 Thomas Mangan Donogrogue mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Marg. Driscoll Donogrogue in presence of James Driscoll Margaret Cleary & Mary Mangan.
11 Conor Brody of Carhufree mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Anistace? Cavanagh d. of Pat Cavanagh of Burrane in presence of Pat Cavanagh ????? ????? & Ellen Lynch. a dispensation granted in 3rd & 4th .....????
11 Darby MacGrath of Disert mar. in Kilrush Chapel to Mary Quinlivan d. of Michl. Quinlivan Ballimacrevan in presence of John Quinlivan ??????

My interest is in the Monsell entry, 11


Declan Barron <>