Showing posts with label Clare groups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clare groups. Show all posts

Monday, 31 December 2012


As we farewell the last of 2012 and prepare to welcome all that 2013 has to offer, I would just like to thank you for your continued support, which shows in the statistics of over 26,000 views since October, 2011 when this blog began. Many of you simply visit when you can, a very large number have subscribed by adding your email address in the box provided, some have subscribed by RSS which takes the new blogs directly to your email program to read as you can, and a number of you have joined via Friends Connect... all are very welcome.

We have a great mix of members of Clare Roots Society, those who have belonged to our Clare transcription groups and those who are interested in all things Irish and maybe, Co Clare in particular.

I'm always happy to accept contributions, comments or requests... this blog is the place to ask questions as well as look for answers and is your noticeboard also.

For those who aren't aware, there is also a Co Clare Facebook page that you can ask to join, simply by signing in to Facebook and going to  then I, or one of the other admins, will sign you in.

If you have any questions, please contact me. You can find my address in About Me.

So, on with 2013... may you have all the pleasures of good health, happiness and all you need... as well as a little of what you want. I hope 2013 brings you more answers to your questions, great discoveries and the joy of finding more about from whence you came.

If you would like more
information on the Gathering in
Co Clare, please search through the list of posts on the side bar. There will be more information as it becomes available.