Old Ground Hotel
8 pm Thursday 19th April
How THE ESB brought electricity to everyone,
presented by
Brian McMahon
Manager of ESB Archives
The talk will be on how ESB brought electricity to everyone, everywhere in Ireland through the pioneering Shannon Scheme
of the 1920s/30s and later in the 1940s to 1960s
with the Rural Electrification Scheme.
It will feature Ennis and its surrounding areas.
The talk will be accompanied by a selection of stunning photographs and video clips.
Brian McMahon is manager at ESB Archives, Dublin
and has worked with ESB for 39 years.
John Bradley, PRO
Membership Fee of €20 for 2017/2018 is now overdue,
you can pay on the night of the Clare Roots Talk to Treasurer Dolores at the door
pay on-line thru the 'Donate Button' on the Home Page of the Clare Roots Society website.
Larry Parks
Clare Roots Society