New Records Online for Limerick
We are pleased to announce that Limerick Genealogy has added over 59,000 records to its database at including the following records;
- Tithe Applotment Books for all of Limerick, 1824-1835 – 27347 records
- Marriage and dispensation records from Croom Roman Catholic parish, 1770-1779, 1783-1794 & 1807-1810 – 1704 records
- Baptismal and marriage records from Fedamore Roman Catholic parish, 1806-1807 – 94 records
- Death/burial records for Shanagolden Roman Catholic parish 1832-1849 – 4 records
- Death/burial records for Knockainy Roman Catholic parish 1819-1821 – 53 records
- Marriage records for Kilcolman and Coolcappa parish 1891-1900 – 65 records
- Death records for the County Limerick Infirmary in the Registrar's District of Limerick No. 2, 1912-1948 – 799 records
- Non-Catholic civil marriage records for the Church of Ireland parishes of Cappamore 1860-1910, Kildimo 1850-1881, Kilmallock 1846-1933, Mungret 1845-1872 and St. John's 1845-1941 – 586 records
- A head of households census for St. Patrick's Roman Catholic parish (civil parishes of Kilmurry, Derrygalvin and St. Patrick's, 1830 & Kilmurry, 1835) – 847 records
- Census search forms 1841 & 1851 for Old Age Pension applications - 1908-1922 – 1433 records
- Head of households census for Athea Roman Catholic parish, 1857 – 199 records
- A database of Limerick people listed in various documents and published sources, 1799-1867 – 8285 records

A view from Kilcolman and Coolcappa parish. Limerick Genealogy has added new church marriage records for the parish to RootsIreland.
In addition to the above, where available, Limerick Genealogy has extended civil birth and non-Catholic baptismal records up to 1916, non-Catholic church and civil marriages up to 1918 and death/burial records up to 1918. Updates and corrections to the database have also been made.
The full list of available sources for Limerick Genealogy can be viewed here. If you have any questions about these sources or researching your family history in Limerick, please contact Limerick Genealogy
Brought to you by the Irish Family History Foundation
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