Brendan Bracken - son of the Fenian rebel who built Kilrush's Maid of Erin or "Winston Churchill's secret son"?
On Tuesday 30 October at 8.00 p.m. in Teach Cheoil, Kilrush, Brian Comerford will give a lecture on Brendan Bracken and Winston Churchill - the Kilrush connection. Brendan Bracken was born in Templemore, County Tipperary. His father, J.K. was the Fenian rebel sculptor who built the Maid of Eireann monument in Kilrush and was one of the seven founders of the GAA. J.K.'s son, Brendan, became so close to Winston Churchill that many believed he was Churchill's son. It was thanks to Brendan's intervention that Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940 and Bracken was appointed Minister for Information in Churchill's wartime cabinet. When he retired from politics, Bracken was appointed to the House of Lords as Viscount Bracken of Christchurch. Brian will detail Bracken's fascinating life story.
Since retirement, Brian has concentrated on acting and writing and has made brief appearances on stage and screen, including a cameo rôle in "Rebellion" (2016).
Brian has written award-winning short stories, stageplays and screenplays. A 3 part World War Two TV series, based on the 1943 rescue of Denmark's 8,000 Jews, is with a Los Angeles based producer at present.
KDHS lectures are free to members, EUR5 for non-members. New members are welcome. The annual membership fee (July-June) is EUR20.